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时间:2019-12-25 16:57 作者:中国智力运动网 来源:网络 点击:















组委会在象棋界、文化界的权威专家中遴选评委,并在适当时间公布。一等奖1名,奖励300,000元(人民币,税前)并颁发证书;二等奖2名,各颁发奖金30,000元(人民币,税前)并颁发证书;三等奖6名,奖励参加第三届楚河汉界世界棋王赛的观礼嘉宾名额一个并颁发证书。 作品一经采用,版权归楚河汉界世界棋王赛组委会所有。


地 址:河南省荥阳市康泰路与荥泽大道交叉口西南角(荥阳市楚河汉界象棋文化推广中心)

邮 编:450100



E-mail: chuhehanjie2016@163.com











中国王天一 红先胜 中国徐超

(2018年10月20日 弈于中国·荥阳)

1.兵七进一 炮2平3

2.炮二平五 象3进5

3.马二进三 卒3进1

4.相七进九 卒3进1

5.车一平二 车9进1

6.车二进四 卒3进1

7.马八进六 卒3进1

8.炮八进二 马2进4

9.炮八进四 士4进5

10.车二平六 马8进7

11.车九平八 车1平4

12.马六进七 马4进3

13.车六平二 车4进1

14.马七进六 炮8退1

15.炮八平五 士6进5

16.马六进七 车4进1

17.马七退九 马3进4

18.车二进三 卒3平4

19.炮五平四 马4退6

20.兵三进一 炮8平6

21.马三进四 炮6进1

22.车二退五 炮6进3

23.炮四进三 车9平6

24.炮四平九 卒4进1

25.仕四进五 车6进3

26.兵九进一 车6平4

27.车二进五 卒4进1

28.仕五退六 前车进2

29.车八进九 士5退4

30.仕六进五 前车平5

31.马九进八 车4进6

32.相三进五 车5进1

33.车二退六 车5平3

34.炮九进四 车3退6

35.车二进七 马7退5

36.车二平四 车4平2

37.车四退四 车2进1

38.仕五退六 马5退3

39.车四平六 车2退8

40.车六进五 将5进1

41.车六平五 将5平6



 Call for Entries of the Classic Moments of the Second Chu River and Han Border World King of Xiangqi Tournament

The Organizing Committee has gone to great pains to design the winner’s trophy because of the symbolism of the tournament. The winner’s trophy of the Chu River and Han Border World King of Xiangqi Tournament would have to shoulder the responsibility of promoting the culture of Xiangqi, increase the influence of Xiangqi, and to create a brand of Xiangqi tournament for others to follow.

In the first tournament, the chosen diagram on the winner’s trophy was the three hundred and third endgame composition of the ancient manual Fathomless Ocean. It was called the “Peace in the Heavens and Earth.”

The endgame composition contained the philosophy of the I-Ching (Book of Changes) and symbolism of the auspicious prosperity that Xiangqi is seeing. That was why the first-ever tournament was called the Peace in the Heavens and Earth Cup.

Likewise, a similar tedious selection process was seen for the Second Chu River and Han Border World King of Xiangqi Tournament. After much consideration, it was called the “Leap of both the Steed and Stallion.”(Note:The Chinese phrase was adapted from a poem by Qu Yuan in the Elegies of Chu.)

The Third Chu River and Han Border World King of Xiangqi Tournament will be held in October in 2020 at Xingyang, home to the Chu River and Han Border. The Organizing Committee has decided that the design for the trophy must be based on the match that was played in the second tournament. Any situation that arose from the match would be eligible to become the design for the trophy for the Third Tournament, and it would also be used as the name for the tournament.

To monitor the progress of the selection process of the Third World King of Xiangqi Tournament, the Chinese Xiangqi Association, the People’s Municipal Government of Xingyang, and Henan’s Tianlun Heuristic Group have co-organized the “Classical Moment of the Second Chu River and Han Border World King of Xiangqi Tournament: Global Selection Competition.”

The following will be the particulars of the competitions:

(1) Selection Date

25st of December 2019 to 28st of March 2020

(2) Eligible Participants

All citizens of the world, regardless of nationality, race, age or gender, are eligible to participate. Participants may be individuals or represent a group.

(3) Requirements

1) Any position/situation that arose from the match played in the Second Chu River and Han Border World King of Xiangqi Tournament is eligible. Any endgame composition or position/situation that did not arise from the match will be disqualified. The entry must demonstrate wisdom and cultural depth concerning the chosen Classical Moment.

2) The title of the Classical Moment is recommended to be four Chinese characters long, and the entry must explain the meaning of the title, the title’s origins, and its symbolism.

3). Entries should contain 300-1000 Chinese characters to explain the symbolism and meaning of the title. (Appendices will be exempt from the word count mentioned above.)

(4) Selection Process and Prize Money

The Organizing Committee will select a committee of judges that consist of experts and authoritative figures from the Xiangqi Community and authorities in Chinese Culture to preside over the selection process. The winner’s purse would be 300,000 Yuan (Renminbi, before tax), and the winner will also receive a certificate.

Two entries will be eligible for second place whereby each winner would receive 30,000 Yuan (Renminbi, before tax). Each second-place entry will also receive a certificate. There will be six entries eligible for third place. Third place winners will be invited as guests to witness the third tournament, and they will receive a certificate.

The rights to the entry will belong to the Organizing Committee of the Chu River and Han Border World King of Xiangqi Tournament once an entry is selected.

(5) Contact Information

Address: Chu River and Han Border Xiangqi Culture Promotion Center in Xingyang, located at the South-west corner of the Intersection of Kangtai Road and Xingze Avenue, Xingyang City, Henan Province

Postal Code 450100

Contact: Zhang Yu

E-mail: chuhehanjie2016@163.com

(6) Announcement of the Results

1. Chinese Mind Sports Association Website(http://www.imsa.cn/)

2.楚河汉界网 Chu River and Han Border Xiangqi Net(http://chuhehanjie.net/)


Organizing Committee of the Chu River and Han Border World King of Xiangqi Tournament


Appendix: The Match Records of the Second Chu River and Han Border World King of Xiangqi Tournament

China, Wang Tianyi W China Xu Chao

(Date: 20th of October, 2018. Venue: Xingyang, China)

1.P7+1 C2=3

2.C2=5 E3+5

3.H2+3 P3+1

4.E7+9 P3+1

5.R1=2 R9+1

6.R2+4 P3+1

7.H8+6 P3+1

8.C8+2 H2+4

9.C8+4 A4+5

10.R2=6 H8+7

11.R9=8 R1=4

12.H6+7 H4+3

13.R6=2 R4+1

14.H7+6 C8-1

15.C8=5 A6+5

16.H6+7 R4+1

17.H7-9 H3+4

18.R2+3 P3=4

19.C5=4 H4-6

20.P3+1 C8=6

21.H3+4 C6+1

22.R2-5 C6+3

23.C4+3 R9=6

24.C4=9 P4+1

25.A4+5 R6+3

26.P9+1 R6=4

27.R2+5 P4+1

28.A5-6 +R+2

29.R8+9 A5-4

30.A6+5 +R=5

31.H9+8 R4+6

32.E3+5 R5+1

33.R2-6 R5=3

34.C9+4 R3-6

35.R2+7 H7-5

36.R2=4 R4=2

37.R4-4 R2+1

38.A5-6 H5-3

39.R4=6 R2-8

40.R6+5 K5+1

41.R6=5 K5=6
